What is Traversees ?
What is Traversees ? What are our aims ? How are we doing ? With whom ? Who are our partners ? Where do we go ? Here is a little summary of what we intend to do during 3 years of travelling around the world.
Why ?
to identify, to support and to highlight the initiatives of personal development and collective action involved in the construction of a more responsible and united world,
to support networks and organizations driving reflections and innovative actions in all fields of the society,
to collect and to highlight dreams and desires of progress of the citizens of the planet; to make sensitive the young people in the discovery of themselves, the others and the world.
How ?
by going away on the meeting of the persons driving innovations and social changings,
by collecting and publishing testimonies, portraits, experiences, dreams of all citizens in this Web site : (including multimedia realizations),
by spreading the works of the Alliance for a plural, responsible and united world and the Charles Leopold Mayer foundation for the Human Progress,
by establishing relations among the actors.
With whom ?
the Alliance for a plural, responsible and united world
Charles Leopold Mayer foundation for the Human Progress
the Regional council of the North - Pas de Calais Region in France.
Where ?
France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Maurinania, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Niger, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Iran, Turkmanistan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, China, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Guyana.
Who are we ?
Mobile team travelling around the world :
William Leroy - 33 ans - geographer william@traversees.org
François Soulard - 30 ans - geologist - francois@traversees.org
and all friends and members of the Traversees association based in France.